The Basics of Fire Sprinkler Systems – Maine’s Finest

The installation of a prinkler system can make an important factor in preventing a house from in flames and a minor amount of damage. Fire sprinkler systems are extremely efficient in responding to our fires before they grow out of control. This video explains some of the basic aspects of a fire control sprinkler.

The sprinkler mechanism consists of a sprinkler head and a water supply to the sprinkler. The sprinkler head consists of an elongated plug, a glass bulb, an frame and the sprinkler mechanism. Water is constantly flowing to the sprinkler head but the glass tube and the plug keep it contained.

The glass tube plays the crucial element in turning on a sprinkler system. The heat of a fire will cause the glass to crack, which will allow the sprinkler system to switch on. The water then flows into the sprinkler and is spread all over the room, which smothers the fire. There are a variety of glass tubes. Some require significant temperatures to break while others aren’t.

The systems for suppression of fire don’t use water. Instead, they utilize nitrogen gas to rob the flame of oxygen. In any case is chosen, it’s essential to install the right fire-fighting system within your house. The details are available in this video.
